Soloviev Foundation Begins to Open Art Collection to Public
Business Wire | April 26 2023
The Soloviev Foundation, part of the Soloviev Group, a leading real estate, agribusiness, hospitality and transportation company, will make its world-class art collection available to the public on a limited basis in May. READ MORE

Stefan Soloviev of Soloviev Group: A Q&A Session
The Real Deal | April 06 2023
I have worked mainly in two industries all my life, Agriculture / Commodities and NY real estate. These are the two sectors the Soloviev Group represents first and foremost. The six other sectors represent the diversification I have built over the last few years and throughout my life. READ MORE

Billionaire eyeing Tennessee Pass Line acquires another railroad in Colorado
REAL VAIL | November 29 2022
Stefan Soloviev, the billionaire New York developer and Colorado agricultural landowner who first revived interest in the dormant Tennessee Pass rail line through Eagle County in 2018, is on the verge of acquiring yet another railroad in the southern part of the state. READ MORE

Billionaire 9 West Owner Eyes NYC Casino Bid in Reshaped Empire
BLOOMBERG | November 21 2022
Stefan Soloviev has been an apartment landlord, farmer and railroad operator, with an empire stretching from the unforgiving croplands of the American West to the gladiatorial arenas of global finance. READ MORE

Cultivating a Better Future
Leaders | October 01 2022
An Interview with Stefan Soloviev, Chairman, Soloviev Group READ MORE

Soloviev Group plans 40-room resort and spa at Peconic Bay Vineyards
LONG ISLAND NY | October 25 2021
The Soloviev Group, owners of the recently reopened Peconic Bay Winery in Cutchogue, have announced plans for a 40-room resort with (…) READ MORE

How a Manhattan scion built a rural empire
BLOOMBERG | September 09 2021
Stefan Soloviev is in his “western office”—the passenger seat of a Chevy Silverado bouncing along a dirt road near the Kansas-Colorado border (…) READ MORE

The Chequit reopens this summer on Shelter Island
NORTHFORKER | June 05 2021
In 1872, a clapboard building with a spacious porch of turned posts and sawn spandrels was built on Shelter Island. With a kitchen large enough (…) READ MORE

Peconic Bay Vineyards reopens after 8 years
NORTHFORKER | May 12 2021
There aren’t many wineries that go unseen on the North Fork. But Peconic Bay Winery, after being closed for eight years, had blended into (…) READ MORE

Stefan Soloviev reorganizes Solow family firm
REAL ESTATE WEEKLY | April 13 2021
Stefan Soloviev announced he is reorganizing the Solow family businesses under a holding company called Soloviev Group. READ MORE

Solow Building Company announces the formation of the Soloviev Group
PR NEWSWIRE | April 12 2021
Solow Building Company is pleased to announce today the formation of the Soloviev Group, the holding company for several business (…) READ MORE

2020 Railroad War in the Upper Ark Valley
Colorado Central Magazine | March 01 2021
A railroad war is going on right now between the Rio Grande Pacific R.R. and the Colorado and Pacific R.R. READ MORE